Summer Camp F.A.Q.

What are the hours of camp?

Our hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where are you located?

We are located on the bottom floor of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Our address is 1510 East 7th Street, Charlotte, NC 28204. Our preschool entrance is located on the backside of the building on Armory Drive across from Independence Park.

How do I know which week of camp to register for?

Children must be 2 years old to join us at camp. Your child must be the age of the specific group you register for before that week of the camp. We do not make exceptions for ages. For example: if your child turns two on June 28th, they would be eligible for Weeks 4-7 but not eligible to join us for Weeks 1-3.

parking, drop off, and pickup

Detailed parking and drop-off instructions will be posted closer to the start of camp.

Do we come into the building with our child at drop-off?

We will have you escort your child to their classroom door where a counselor will be there to greet you. We ask that you do not enter the classroom and instead say goodbye at the door. We have found that a quick and warm goodbye is the easiest way to minimize separation anxiety from mom or dad.

What should I bring?

We are a NUT-FREE school. Foods processed in a nut facility, as long as they don’t include nuts in the ingredient list, are allowed. 

  • We recommend a Bento style lunchbox with an ice pack if needed (clearly labeled with your child’s name)

  • Water Bottle (clearly labeled with your child’s name)

  • Snack (clearly labeled with your child’s name)

  • Diapers and wipes if applicable (clearly labeled with your child’s name)

  • An extra change of clothes that is stored in a large gallon-size ziplock bag (clearly labeled with your child’s name). We love to get messy at The Mothership and it is helpful to have a change.

  • Please be sure to label everything. Labels like these can be really helpful and time-saving.

  • You do not need to pack bug spray, nor do we apply insect repellent at The Mothership.

On Mondays, your child should wear the assigned color of their group. Red Robins will wear red, Purple Penguins wear purple, Yellow Butterflies will wear yellow, Orange Otters wear orange, Green Frogs will wear green, and Blue Bears will wear blue.

Does my child need to be potty trained?

We require that children be potty trained for our all age groups except our Red Robins (2s).

What if my child is potty training?

Please note that sending your child to camp within the first week or two of potty training is not recommended. If your child is in the process of potty training please make note that we will allow one accident per day. If more than one accident occurs we will put your child in a pull-up to be able to continue with the flow of the day for the entire group. It is common that in a new space with new faces, children may have more accidents if they are in the process of learning to use the potty.

Do you provide snacks or lunch for my child?

No, we do not provide snack or lunch. You will need to pack a snack and lunch for your child for each day they are at camp. Snacks should be packed separately from the lunchbox and will be dropped off in a basket upon arrival.

Do you refrigerate lunches?

We do NOT refrigerate lunches. If your child’s lunch needs to be kept cold, please pack their lunch with an ice pack.

do you provide utensils for lunch?

We do NOT provide utensils (forks, spoons, or napkins) for lunch. Please pack everything they will need in their lunchbox. We recommend a bento-style lunchbox for preschool-aged children for ease and efficiency.

should snacks be packed inside a lunch box or should they be separate?

Separate. Upon arrival, we will ask you to place your child's labeled snack and labeled water bottle in a basket for your child's classroom. Your camp counselor will direct you to your basket.

What is the schedule usually like for camp?

Each counselor incorporates their own activities but all groups have snack time, free play, outdoor play, and lunch.

Will each age group have the same Teachers for all weeks of the summer?

For summer camp we cannot guarantee you will have the same counselors for all weeks or any particular weeks.

Do Liz & Holly teach any particular age groups or certain weeks?

Holly and Liz are the preschool and camp directors. We do float during the day to support staff and interact with the children but are not assigned to any group or class.

Regarding security, do you keep doors to the outside locked?

Yes. All exterior doors remain locked and a security code for entry is sent to families each week for access.

Is the preschool/camp area separate from the church spaces?

Yes, the church offices are located on the main level floor above us and also on the third floor. The Mothership is located on the bottom floor.

What is your sick policy?

If a child becomes sick we will reach out to you ASAP. Your child will be sent home with the following symptoms:

  • A fever of 100.4 or above

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

Your child must be symptom-free 24 hours from the last time (without medication) before they can return to The Mothership.

Will I be required to show an ID at pick-up?

With over 400 families attending The Mothership each summer, our counselors will request to see a photo ID of anyone not on the approved pick-up list or that they do not recognize.

What should my child wear?

We recommend comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes. We recommend clothing that can be worn to paint or play outside and shoes that allow your child to run and move about freely.

On Mondays, your child should wear the assigned color of their group. Red Robins will wear red, Yellow Butterflies will wear yellow, Green Frogs will wear green, Orange Otters will wear orange, Blue Bears will wear blue and Purple Dinosaurs will wear purple.

Should I pack an extra set of clothes?

Yes, please put them in a large gallon-size ziplock bag clearly labeled with their name on it.

Will you need proof of vaccines?

No, we do not require proof of vaccines.

What about sunscreen?

Please apply sunscreen to your child before dropping them off.

Are there any special days to be aware of?

On Mondays, your child should wear the assigned color of their group. Occasionally we have water days and will communicate that accordingly.